Tag Archives: whisky


After a rough night that was filled with some bad news on top of the realization that I am not even close to completing all the reading I need to do, I have decided to create a really good outline and just dive in and write! The past two weeks I have had a hard time getting through the journal articles I have been reading. They are written by experts for experts, so it is perfectly reasonable for a student (not yet an expert) to struggle.

But…I probably could have pushed myself more during the past two weeks – there was opportunity, but I didn’t always take it (to my credit, I sometimes made the choice to read instead of watch another episode of The Walking Dead).

I may be a little behind, but hey, like Rick Grimes, I’ve been doing stuff…things…

During my two-year hiatus from school, it seems I have forgotten how much work it actually is. That no matter how tired I am, I need to head back to the office after I eat dinner and get back to reading/taking notes/writing/trying not to fall asleep and drool on the keyboard.

I also didn’t realize how much I appreciated my relaxation time before bed at night – watching a favorite show or two while sipping a glass of cabernet and nibbling on some dark chocolate. It has been a difficult transition, giving that time up. And the wine…definitely the wine – I am convinced that when this is all over and I have my degree in hand, my tolerance will be so low that just a whiff of some whisky and I will be boiled as an owl!

And now I am reaping what I sowed…I will likely be sending an imperfectly written, not-quite-finished-yet draft exactly at 1:59 AM (the latest I can submit and be considered on time). Luckily, I have done enough reading of the literature that I feel I can read as I go and still do a quality job. Regardless, a draft is due tonight, no matter what shape it is in. I hope to have it in fairly decent form before I turn it in, so without further ado…let the marathon writing session begin!